By Journal Staff
The Revere Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) held its regular monthly meeting last Wednesday, July 24, in the City Councillor Joseph A. DelGrosso City Council Chamber in Revere City Hall. Chair Robert Tucker and fellow members Aklog Limeneh, John Lopes, James O’Brien, Arthur Pelton, and alternate member Peggy Pratt were on hand for the session.
The first matter was an application by Jason and Megan Simmons-Herrling of 185 Endicott Avenue for a special permit pursuant to Revere Revised Ordinances (RRO) Section 17.40.040 to modify and expand their existing nonconforming single-family structure.
There were no opponents and the board unanimously approved the application.
The next matter was a request from The Neighborhood Developers (TND), Inc., 4 Gerrish Avenue, Chelsea, for an additional six-month extension of the one-year exercise period to construct a seven-story, mixed-use building on the property known and numbered as 110 Ocean Avenue. Atty. Nancy O’Neill represented TND, which is a non-profit entity. She said that TND has been experiencing delays in the federal funding process, which in turn has delayed the construction of the project. The board unanimously approved the extension.
The board next took up a request from Anwaar Masoud and Usman Rahman, 142 Malden Street, for a special permit pursuant to RRO Section 17.40.040 for the alteration and extension of a pre-existing, nonconforming single-family structure in addition to the following variances to enable the appellant to convert the structure to a two-family dwelling at 142 Malden Street:
1. RRO Section 17.28.020 with respect to minimum requirement of four parking spaces for a two-family dwelling;
2. RRO Section 17.24.010 (footnote y) with respect to maximum height requirement of 30 feet for lots less than 5,000 s.f in the RB District.; and
3. RRO Section 17.24.010 with respect to minimum requirement of 2 1/2 stories within the RB District.
Attty. O’Neill represented the petitioners. She said the work to be done will be a “vertical addition” of two stories to the structure that will allow it to be converted into a two-family property. She noted that many of the other homes in the neighborhood are either two or three-family homes and that a two-family use is allowed as a matter of right in the RB district.
O’Neill added that residents in the neighborhood are in favor of the application. She also noted that the configuration of the lot (significant sloping) makes expansion of the building’s footprint infeasible. O’Neill told the board that the 34′ height will exceed the allowable height by four feet and that the three stories will exceed the two-and one-half story limit.
O’Neill said the applicant is seeking the variances in order to allow family members to reside on the premises. Finally, O’Neill said that Ward 3 Councillor Anthony Cogliandro is in favor of the project.
A next door neighbor spoke in favor of the application. “He’s a good neighbor and I want him to have a good living situation for his family,” he said.
There were no opponents and the board unanimously approved the application.
The next matter was an application by Jason Jones, 8 Payson Street, who requested the following variances to enable him to construct a single-family dwelling on Lots 6, 7, and 8 at the intersection of Walnut Street and Richard Street:
1. RRO Section 17.24.010 with respect to minimum rear yard setback requirement of 30 feet within the RA1 District; and
2. RRO Section 17.24.010 with respect to minimum front yard setback requirement of 20 feet within the RA1 District;
Mr. Jones said that many members of his family have lived in the neighborhood for many years, including his brother, mother, and grandmother. A resident who lives diagonally-adjacent to the property in question said he did not oppose the application. There were no opponents and the board unanimously approved the application.
Next up was Philip J. Consolo, 169 Rice Avenue, who came before the ZBA requesting a special permit pursuant to RRO Section 17.40.040 to enable him to improve a pre-existing, non-conforming single-family structure by renovating the first floor and adding a second floor to the rear of the structure at 169 Rice Avenue.
Atty. Lou Markakis represented the applicant and asked for a continuance because of the need for an updated plot plan. The ZBA allowed the continuance.
The final item of the evening was a request by Daybelys Delarosa Paulino for a variance of RRO Section 17.36.060(A)(2) to enable the construction of a roof sign (180” width x 15” height) with the name of her business, Tulum Taqueria, at 425 Revere Beach Boulevard.
Ms. Delarosa addressed the members, informing the board that the sign will integrate well in the area and will be aesthetically-pleasing. Ward 5 Councillor Angela Gurarino-Sawaya spoke in favor of the new signage. There were no opponents and the board unanimously approved the application.