By Journal Staff
The Revere License Commission held a busy, though routine monthly meeting last Wednesday, June 26, in the City Council Chamber. On hand for the session were members Daniel Occena, who chaired the meeting, and Liliana Monroy.
The first item in the agenda was a request from The Neighborhood Developers (TND) for a 1-day Entertainment License to be exercised at Sandler Square on Saturday, September 14, from 1 p.m.–4 p.m. for the annual Shirley Ave. Cultural Festival. A representative from TND explained that this is an annual event that “celebrates the rich culture and diversity of Shirley Ave. through dance and song.”
She said that food, but no alcohol, will be served. Ward 2 City Councilor Ira Novoselsky spoke in favor of the application, noting that “this is a wonderful event.” There were no opponents and the application was approved.
The next item on the docket was a request from American Legion Post #61 for six (6) 1-day licenses for Malt/Wine and Common Victualler, to be exercised at Veterans Memorial Park from 6 p.m.–7:30 p.m. on the following Sundays: July 7, July 14, July 21, July 28, August 4, and August 11. There will be a beer & wine garden with hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages, and chips to accompany the city-sponsored Sunday night concerts.
William J. Chisholm, the Post Commander and event manager, told the commissioners that this will be the third year for the American Legion to conduct this event and that they have been successful in the past.
“I’m very familiar with the event and have heard good things from the community about it,” said Occena. Novoselsky, who also is a member of the Post, noted that the service of alcohol is “very controlled.” The application was approved unanimously.
Next up was a request by the Revere Beach Partnership for Revere Beach for a special 1-day License for All Alcohol to be exercised on Revere Beach on Saturday, July 20, from 6 p.m –10 p.m. The event will be a VIP Party held as part of the International Sand Sculpting Festival activities. The expected number of attendees will be 350 with a rain date of Sunday, July 21.
Adam Benoit, the event manager, noted that the festival is in its 20th year and that the VIP Party has been held in the past. He noted that a professional catering company will serve the alcohol with TIPS-certified bartenders and there will be a State Police detail.
“This is in my neighborhood and this always has been run very well,” said Novoselsky. The application was approved unanimously.
Benoit and the Revere Beach Partnership then presented another application for (3) special 1-day Licenses for Malt/Wine to be exercised on Revere Beach Boulevard on Friday, July 19, from 12 p.m.–9 p.m., Saturday, July 20, from 12 p.m.–8 p.m., and Sunday, July 21, from 12 p.m.–7 p.m. for a Beer Garden to be open as part of the International Sand Sculpting Festival activities. The capacity of the beer garden area will be 500.
Benoit explained that this is the second year for a beer garden. He noted that this was a good fundraiser for the festival and offsets the costs of the event. He said there will be three State Police details as well as private security that will monitor the exit and entrance to the beer garden, which will be contained within a fenced-off area. He noted that there were no issues last year.
In response to a question from Occena, Benoit noted that the concessionaires are well-trained in this sort of event. Novoselsky again spoke in favor of the application and it was approved.
The commission next took up an application from Las Parceritas for a 1-day Common Victualler and Entertainment License to be exercised in Charles G. McMackin Veterans Memorial Park on Thursday, July 18, from 5 p.m.–7 p.m. for a cultural event celebrating Colombian Independence Day. The expected attendance is 120.
Diana Cardona, the event manager, said this has been an annual event that will feature Colombian music. Claudia Correa from the mayor’s office and Novoselsky both spoke in favor of the application. The commission approved the application.
Cardona appeared again on behalf of Chocolaffee, LLC, 9 Dehon Street for 1-day Entertainment License be exercised at Sandler Square on Thursday, July 11, from 4 p.m.–8 p.m. The event is the grand opening of Chocolaffee with an expected attendance of 100.
Cardona explained that there will be local entertainment from different countries. Correa and Novoselsky once again spoke in favor of the application, which the commission approved.
The commission heard an application from Capri, LLC, d/b/a Capri, 1559 North Shore Road, Claudia Gallego, manager, for outdoor seating for an All Alcohol Restaurant license on the sidewalk outside the restaurant. The requested outdoor seating is 19 with hours the same as the restaurant hours from Sunday–Saturday from 10 a.m.–10 p.m.
Ms. Gallego explained that customers have asked about having outdoor seating and that other establishments in the area already do so. Novoselsky and Correa also spoke in favor of the application, which the commission approved.
The Revere Restaurant Group, Inc., d/b/a Tio Juan’s Margarita’s Mexican Restaurant, 85 American Legion Highway, Steven Peters, manager, submitted an application for a change of manager from Sean M. Casey.
Mr. Peters said he has been serving as a general manager for other restaurants in the chain. He said there will be no changes to the operation of the restaurant. The application was approved.
Saint Abraam Pizza, Inc., d/b/a Bridge Pizzeria, 800 Washington Avenue, Hany Habil, president and manager, presented an application for the Transfer of a Common Victualler License from Calixto, Inc. The seating will remain at 24 with requested hours on Sunday from 10 a.m.–10 p.m. and Mondays–Saturdays from 10 a.m.–11 p.m.
Mr. Habil told the commission that there will be no changes to the operation of the business and that he has extensive experience in the restaurant business. The application was approved.
Perros Paisas Revere Corp., d/b/a Perros Paisas Revere, 657 Beach Street, Andres Jaramillo, manager, submitted an application for a Common Victualler License to be exercised at 657 Beach Street with a requested seating of 25, with hours from 5 a.m. to 3 a.m.
Mr. Jaramillo said that he will be opening a fast-food restaurant featuring Colombian food and that he has a similar restaurant in East Boston. He said most of his business is done through Uber Eats and DoorDash.
“I have a problem with the 3 a.m. closing,” said Novoselsky. “This is a very high-density residential neighborhood and there is no parking available.”
Occena then turned off the microphone and had a discussion with Monroy. When Occena turned on the mike he said, “We had a conversation about it and I think the commission would be most comfortable with the time of Monday through Thursday from 5 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Friday through Sunday from 5:00 a.m. to 2 a.m.”
However, Novoselsky noted, “Sunday night is a work night,” and urged a closing time of 11:00 p.m. on Sunday night.
The commission approved hours of 5 a.m.-11:00 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday and on Friday and Saturday from 5 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.
The next item was an application by Seas The Day Restaurant, Inc. d/b/a Seas the Day Restaurant 320 Revere Beach Boulevard, to amend an Entertainment License to add amplifiers, karaoke, vocal/instrumental music, and dancing by patrons. The current entertainment license is for widescreen cable TV and radio.
The owner of the business said that customers have expressed a desire for dancing. Councillor Angela Guarino-Sawaya asked about the hours and said she would have no problem if the entertainment stopped at 11:00 p.m. However, the commission voted in favor of the application with a 12:00 a.m closing hour, which is the current closing hour of the restaurant.
That marked the end of the commission’s formal agenda for the evening. Under the new business section of the agenda, the commissioners heard from Novoselsky and Guarino-Sawaya about noise complaints they have received from constituents about two businesses. Occena said both establishments will be called-in to appear before the board to address the issues.
The board received one communication in the past month, a notification from the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) of receipt of the License Commission’s approval of outdoor seating for H & R Partners, Inc. d/b/a Valsos Table & Bar.
The next meeting of the commission is set for July 17.