The Revere License Commission addressed a full panoply of items on its agenda at the commission’s monthly meeting last Thursday, October 20.
Chairman Robert Selevitch and fellow commission members Daniel Occena and Linda Guinasso were on hand for the meeting.
The items on the agenda are listed below, followed by the commission’s discussion and votes on each matter.
Applications Submitted for Consideration:
Item #1
99 West, LLC, d/b/a 99 Restaurant & Pub 121 VFW Parkway, William Butts, Manager. Application for a Change of Officers: Application of 99 West, LLC d/b/a 99 Restaurant & Pub, William Butts, Manager, for a change of corporate officers.
Discussion and Vote:
Atty. Elizabeth Pisano presented the application, which was a straightforward change of corporate officers. There was no opposition and the application was approved by a unanimous vote.
Item #2
Clown Management, Inc. d/b/a Staybridge Suites/Holiday Inn Express – Revere 245 Revere Beach Parkway, Catherine Marie Cucchiello, Manager. Application for a Change of Manager: Application of Colwen Management, Inc. d/b/a Staybridge Suites/Holiday Inn Express – Revere, Catherine Marie Cucchiello, Manager, for a change of manager of an All Alcohol Innholder license from Jonathan Moore.
Discussion and Vote:
This matter was tabled because no one appeared to present the petition. The commission voted to put the item on the agenda for its next meeting.
Item #3:
Adam, Inc. d/b/a The Cutting Board 744 Broadway, Maryam Amini, Manager
Application for Transfer of a Wine, Malt, Cordials/Liqueurs Restaurant License: Application of Azam, Inc. d/b/a The Cutting Board, Maryam Amini, President and Manager, for transfer of a Wine, Malt, Cordials/Liqueurs Restaurant license from Rubino’s Restaurant, LLC. Said license to be exercised at 744 Broadway. Requested seating is 22, requested hours are Sunday – Saturday 8 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Discussion and Vote:
Maryam Amini appeared with her attorney to present the application. She indicated that her restaurant will serve Middle Eastern food and will serve only beer and wine.
Occena asked whether the hours will be changing to include all seven days. Amini said she was looking forward to expanding the restaurant’s hours of operation and that it will be a sit-down restaurant with no live entertainment.
However, an issue arose when Selevitch asked Amini whether she had any previous experience with a restaurant serving alcohol and whether she was TIPS-certified (Training and Intervention Procedures for Servers of alcohol).
When Amini indicated that she was not TIPS-certified, Guinasso also expressed her concern about the lack of certification.
Although there was no opposition from the public to the application, Selevitch said he had “concerns about the experience factor of the license-holder and that she be required to get TIPS training.”
The attorney representing Amini said that Mr. Rubino, the previous license-holder, will be staying on for at least a few weeks and suggested that the commission approve the transfer subject to Ms. Amini obtaining her TIPS certification.
The commission voted 3-0 to approve the application, with the stipulation that Ms. Amini become TIPS-certified before the license becomes fully-active per the ABCC.
Item #4
Cinco de Mayo II d/b/a Pancho Villa Mexican Grill 124 Centennial Avenue Madeline Rodriguez, Manager. Application for a Change of Manager: Application of Cinco de Mayo II d/b/a Pancho Villa Mexican Grill, Madeline Rodriguez, Manager, for a change of manager of an All Alcohol Restaurant license from Jose Chino.
Discussion and Vote:
Ms. Rodriguez presented the petition and mentioned that she has worked at the establishment for many years. The commissioners had no questions and there was no opposition.
The board approved the change, 3-0.
Item #5
Promos Partners, LLC, d/b/a Fajita’s Sports Bar & Restaurant 46 Revere Street. Nicolas Portillo, Manager. Application for Change of License Category: Application of Primos Partners, LLC d/b/a Fajita’s Sports Bar & Restaurant, 46 Revere Street, Nicolas Portillo, Manager, for a change of license category to All Alcohol Restaurant from Wine, Malt, and Cordials/Liqueurs Restaurant. (Continued from September meeting.)
Discussion and Vote:
Atty. Cosmo Karalolos appeared on behalf of the petitioner. He said his client is seeking to add a full-alcohol component to its license in order “to appeal to a much-broader clientele.”
Karalolos also mentioned that they wished to increase the hours to 1 a.m., but Selevitch noted that since that request was not on the application before the board, that matter would need to be addressed at a later date.
When Occena asked whether there had been any discussions with neighbors about the change, Karalolos mentioned that some neighbors had signed a petition, which detailed a remediation plan to address neighborhood issues, in support of the application.
Karalolos also noted that there have been no issues with neighbors for the past eight months, which is when this application initially had been submitted to the commission at its meeting in February.
Ocean said that he has visited the establishment on three occasions, not as a patron, and had not witnessed any of the problems concerning noise that had been mentioned at the February meeting.
“I live in the area, so I’m very familiar with the establishment,” said Guinasso. “There are four signatures from the same address who abut you directly, but I’m hearing from others in the area that there have been disturbances outside of the building.
“The problem in the neighborhood is that we’ve issued five liquor licenses and a package store within a block,” Guinasso continued. “They (the neighbors) think it’s a ‘little too much alcohol,’ especially abutting a school.”
Guinasso also noted that there has been an issue with loud music in cars when patrons are leaving.
“However, this is only hearsay,” said Guinasso, who also noted there were no signees on the petition from the broader neighborhood.
Occena said he was not aware of any complaints to the police about noise, which was confirmed by Revere Police Lieut. Sean Rand, who also was in attendance at the meeting via Zoom.
“When I went in on three occasions, the music was extremely low and there was no loitering in the parking lot,” said Occena. “I think it’s hard for these folks to survive in this climate as it is, and they need the additional revenue.”
Karalolos concurred, stating, “There is a demand for people who want a cocktail with their fajita.”
However, a resident who lives directly behind the establishment’s small parking lot voiced her concerns.
“Fajita’s parking lot shares a fence with my backyard,” she said. “There already are two liquor stores on my block. I have concerns about my privacy. They disturb my peace when their trash truck collects at 4 a.m.”
“I think her questions are valid and we can address the issue of a 4 a.m. rubbish removal,” said Selevitch. “No trash trucks are allowed before 6 a.m. I understand the issue with the liquor licenses, but Fajita’s already has a license and we’re just adding to that.”
Karalolos said he will address the trash truck issue with his client, as well as discussing increasing the height of the fence to mitigate the noise. The neighbor (whose name did not appear on her Zoom call) said she looked forward to talking with them.
The board then approved the application by a vote of 3-0.
Item #6
Revere Beach Partnership Revere Beach, Chris Puiia, Event Manager. Application for a 1-day Malt/Wine License: Application of Revere Beach Partnership for a 1-day license for Malt/Wine, said license to be exercised on Revere Beach across from Kelly’s Roast Beef on Sunday, October 24, 2021 from 10:30 a.m –12 p.m. Event is a 5K road race with a beer garden after the race. Expected number of attendees is 200.
Discussion and Vote:
Mr. Puiia appeared on behalf of the petitioner. He told the commissioners that only runners 21-and-over would be able to attend the beer garden that will be set up on the beach itself. Puiia said that both the DCR and the State Police had given their approval for the event.
Selevitch asked how the drinking will be contained on the beach, to which Puiia replied that DCR will set up a fenced-in area for those drinking beer. He said that only runners over the age of 21 will receive a free-beer ticket.
“This is a nice event that has been held for the past few years,” said Guinasso.
There was no opposition and the request was approved 3-0.
Item #7
White Label, LLC, d/b/a Easy Pie, 649 Squire Road, Spiros Stogiannis, Manager. Hearing into an unlicensed entertainment event and fire safety violations.
Discussion and Vote:
The principal issue before the commission concerned a “meet-up” for owners of antique and specialty automobiles that was held at the Easy Pie restaurant and whether the event required a permit from the License Commission.
Atty. Andrew Delory appeared on behalf of Easy Pie. Mr. Stogiannis also was on hand.
“How did this event come to be? Why wasn’t there a specific application or permit requested from us to host the event?” asked Occena.
“It was a so-called car ‘meet-up,’ a drive to the restaurant,” said Delory. “Mr. Stogiannis was not an active participant. There is a question of whether a license for this sort of event is needed, based on Mr. Stogiannis having hosted them in the past without having obtained a license.”
“We received confirmation that there was a light show and entertainment that required a license from the commission,” said Selevitch. “Was there alcohol served?”
“Alcohol was available only within the licensed premises,” said Delory, who also explained that there was no entertainment of any kind.
“How many vehicles?” asked Guinasso. When Delory replied, “About 150,” Guinasso further asked, “Who was out there controlling traffic? There was lots of noise for the residents and screeching through the streets. Who was handling this?”
“My client had a police detail officer on site at all times,” said Delory. “He wants to host these events again and is willing to do whatever is needed to comply with the commission’s requests. There was no music or entertainment. Music was coming only from the cars. We’re willing to work with the commission to apply for all necessary licenses.”
Ward 4 City Councillor Patrick M. Keefe Jr. appeared at the meeting and spoke about the matter.
“People are trying to find ways to keep their businesses afloat,” said Keefe. “He (Mr. Stogiannis) reached out to the police for a detail. This may be a grey area, but it should have been a licensed event. With him realizing now that he should have obtained a license, he knows now, and we should be willing to support local businesses. I hope the commission can offer some leniency and understanding.”
“Easy Pie has been a good operator and takes care of things as they come up,” added Selevitch. “There have been no prior incidents. They have been a good neighbor. But if there are future car events, they should obtain a license. This was very loud and disturbing to the residents. I hope that going forward, events like this need to be run past the commission and the police department.”
“They have a very good history and it would be too harsh to keep it on file,” said Occena. “They now have received a stern warning.”
The board also briefly discussed an unrelated incident in which the management of the restaurant turned off a fire alarm — which had been set off accidentally with patrons on hand — prior to the Fire Department arriving. The commissioners informed Delory and his attorney that the law requires that they have to wait for the Fire Dept. to arrive to reset the alarm.
“The commission is issuing a warning,” Selevitch said in conclusion to Delory. “Advise your client that going forward he should call the office to determine whether an event needs to be licensed. We’re here to help businesses navigate this stuff. We’re not here to hurt them.”
Item #8
Sena Motors, Inc., 120 Squire Road, Claudio Pontes, Manager. Hearing into violations of license conditions and unlicensed commercial vehicle storage.
Discussion and Vote:
Mr. Pontes, the owner of Sena Motors, appeared for his company.
“We have been getting fairly regular complaints from residents that you have been parking cars outside of the premises and on the sidewalk and on Patriot Parkway,” Selevitch said to Pontes.
“I’m surprised at this,” said Pontes. “We responded to one complaint and took action to resolve it. We have resolved issues with the parking of the trucks that load and unload cars. An officer told us where to park and we complied. We’re willing to listen and address any issues from neighbors and do whatever it takes. We’re a strong supporter of the community in Revere.”
Selevitch said that residents are concerned about cars being test-driven by prospective buyers who are speeding on Patriot Parkway.
“I’ll make sure that customers sign a letter agreeing not to speed on the street when they test-drive a vehicle,” said Pontes.
“Are there any opponents in the audience?” asked Guinasso. “It’s a highly-residential area. The only thing I’ve ever seen is the car trailers, but they are licensed. I haven’t heard anything from friends of mine who live on Patriot Parkway.”
Selevitch wrapped-up the hearing.
“This will be an informational warning to be more mindful of the parking situation and the trailers as they arrive,” Selevitch said.
Non-Agenda Item:
The commission then briefly discussed a matter not on their formal agenda regarding the pending issues of the Moose Lodge.
“I’m still thinking about the Moose Lodge, which has not shown up at its hearing at the ABCC and some accusations that they still are conducting business as usual without a manager,” said Selevitch.
“I would like to see them put on the agenda for our next meeting and if no one shows up, that we move for revocation of the license,” said Guinasso, who also mentioned that she would like to see a bench removed from the public sidewalk in front of the Moose Lodge because it has become a “hangout” to the detriment of the neighborhood.
After Occena said he agreed with Guinasso’s comments, Selevitch said the commission will send a letter to the Moose to attend the commission’s next meeting “to address the issues of management and the issues with the ABCC, and to remove the bench out front that is on the sidewalk. It’s time to remove it.”
The commission received the following communications since its last meeting:
1. Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) notice of approval of application of Beachmont Wine and Spirits, Inc. for transfer of an All Alcohol Package Store license.
2. ABCC notice of approval of application of TBS Beverage, Inc. d/b/a Ocean Liquors for transfer of an All Alcohol Package Store license.
3. ABCC notice of approval of application of Northgate Partners, LLC d/b/a Joe’s Market for a change of manager.
4. ABCC notice of continuance of hearing for appeal filed by Four Partners, Inc. d/b/a Antonia’s at the Beach. Hearing date is not yet scheduled.
Regarding the fourth item, Guinasso said, “We’re still getting complaints about loud music. The whole summer has gone by without the ABCC taking action.”
However, Selevitch pointed out that the only letter concerning noise came from a person who signed only their first name.
“I have checked and there have been no complaints to either the Revere or State Police about noise, music, or unruly patrons,” said Selevitch.
License Renewals
Common Victualler:
Suffolk Diner, LLC d/b/a Airport Diner @ Suffolk Downs, 10 Furlong Drive.
Lee Burbank Highway Service Station, Inc. d/b/a Super Sunoco, 251 Lee Burbank Highway.
Suffolk Diner, LLC d/b/a Airport Diner @ Suffolk Downs, 10 Furlong Drive.
Class 2 Motor Vehicle Dealer:
1A Corporate Auto Sales & Leasing II, Inc., 275 Lee Burbank Highway.
The commission approved all of the renewals unanimously.
The next meeting of the License Commission is scheduled for Thursday, November 17. The board voted 2-1 to continue to conduct their meetings via Zoom.