Vincent Support Baker’s Decision to Close Parking on Beach

State Rep. RoseLee Vin­cent can look out her win­dow and see Revere Beach in all its glory. She has been a chief protector of the beach’s environment in her years in the state legislature and before that.

Vincent has led the way in a major renovation proj­ect of Sullivan Park (across the boulevard from the beach) that will become a recreational space and rest area for beach walkers, par­ents, and children.

Vincent, like her neigh­bors on the beach and daily visitors, got the first look at the orange barrels that were placed from one end of the beach to the other (El­iot Circle to Carey Circle, Point of Pines) to prevent people from parking along the beach.

Gov. Charlie Baker or­dered that all parking spac­es at state beaches be elim­inated, so as to prevent too many people congregating at the beach and engaging in non-social distancing ac­tivities.

Vincent said she sup­ports Baker’s decision. “As a lifelong resident who recognizes America’s first public beach is the gem of our community, it is heart­breaking for me to discour­age people from coming to Revere Beach to recreate, but given the seriousness of this pandemic and the critical nature of these next couple of weeks in ensuring we flatten the curve, I total­ly support the Governor’s decision to close parking on Revere Beach Boulevard,” said Vincent.

Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky also said he agreed with Baker’s order.

“It’s just another avenue to stop people from com­ing down to the beach,” said Novoselsky. “For the most part, people have been social distancing, but you cannot sit in groups on the walls, at the pavilions or the bandstand.”

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