A new five-story hotel with 104 rooms is being proposed for 405 American Legion Highway, the current home of the Revere Car Wash.
Engineers and architects were in front of the Site Plan Review Board Tuesday morning to go over the site that abuts Abruzzi Street.
The hotel, owned by IHG, is known for its Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express and for this particular project, the brand name AVID, will be used in Revere. There are 35 AVID hotels in the south and one in Oklahoma.
Scott Rogers of JK Holmgren Engineers and representatives of Silvestri Architects of Buffalo presented plans for the L-shaped hotel that does border a wetland area. They discussed drainage, landscaping, erosion control and the parking, which will include 87 spaces. While still in the planning stages, a new gas line for the property will be put in. Sprinklers, telephone, and electronic data systems from the street will be upgraded. There will be no restaurant. Instead there will be a pantry area for continental breakfast.
The developers have also filed a notice of intent and met with the Conservation Commission, and have filed with MassDOT for road openings and curb cuts along American Legion Highway. They are due back in front of the Conservation Commission on May 2.
Once they obtain approvals the developers will be able to go forward with the building permit phase. Hotels of this nature can cost anywhere for $800,000 to $1.5 million but a final figure has not been disclosed yet.