Dear Editor,
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the 911 operator, Revere Fire Dept., Cataldo Ambulance Service, MGH doctors, nurses, my family and friends for all the life saving support encouragement and help during and after my heart attack on Broadway on May 27th.
Wilma Stevens
Dear Editor:
The Greater Boston Labor Council that’s made up of 160 unions that represent over 90,000 members has endorsed John R. Correggio for Revere City Council.
The Committee to Elect John R. Correggio to the Revere City Council and the Greater Boston Labor Council agree that it’s most important for all Revere Voters to vote for John R. Correggio for Revere City Council.
As we look at our choices, to represent working families in the City of Revere, we ask you to voter for John R. Correggio with one of your 5 votes. John R. Correggio has the ‘foresight and the good judgment to work for working families and organized labor.†John R. Correggio is in the forefront of “Public Safety†as a former Lieutenant for the Revere Fire Department. John, has clearly stated “that with the over building of apartment buildings on Revere Beach and elsewhere, we need to open the Point of Pines Fire Station as soon as possible.†Here’s what Richard M. Rogers of the Executive Board of the GBLC says of John R. Correggio for Revere City Council.
Dear Mr. Correggio:
I am pleased to inform you that the Greater Boston Labor Council has endorsed your candidacy for the office of Revere City Council at Large. The endorsement vote took place on the evening of Tuesday, August 1st at our COPE endorsement meeting for municipal candidates held a IBEW Local 103 in Dorchester.
We thank you for your support of working families and organized labor. We look forward to assisting you in your election effort.
Once again, congratulations for receiving our endorsement and please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have and questions or concerns.
Richard M. Rogers
Executive                     Secretary-Treasurer
Dear Editor,
Animal Umbrella, a strictly no kill cat shelter was located in Revere for 14 years, until lour landlord decided to repurpose the building we were in. Unfortunately, after more than six months of searching we were unable to find a new location in Revere to continue our shelter.
We saved innumerable cats and helped many citizens of Revere during our fourteen years and, most importantly, want to let Revered citizens know that we are still willing and able to assist from our new location in Peabody. We have always rescued from the entire North Shore and will continue to do so.
We are concerned that people in Revere may think that we simply closed and ceased, and want to make certain that they know we have simply relocated.
We are not at 150 R Main St. in Peabody but people who need assistance with the rescue and care of abandoned cats can certainly still contact our president, Annamarie, at 508-877-1194.
WE would be so grateful if you could possibly run a small article to let our Revere friends know that we still care about helping them and want to continue to be of service to them as we were for fourteen years.
If you have questions, you can contact Annamarie at the phone number above.
Linda Lachman, Secretary-Treasurer
Dear Revere Public School Community,
On Monday, the hallways of Revere Schools will go from quiet to hustle and bustle, as our community’s children head back to school. While it is sad to see beach bags get replaced by back packs, there is a sense of excitement in the community about the promise a new school year will bring.
As a candidate for the Revere School Committee and as the only candidate with children enrolled in the school system, the excitement is two- fold. My wife Danielle and I are excited to see our kids—Gerry, Jr., Sofia, Sabrina and Joseph—learn new things, meet new friends and reconnect with previous classmates. As a candidate for Revere School Committee, the start of school coincides with what I hope will be an honest and transparent conversation about where we can improve the educational experience for our children and families.
Before the school bell rings, I want to wish all of the school children and faculty the best of luck this academic year. I encourage you to learn, explore and soak in all of what our great schools and talented teachers have in store for you.
Gerry Visconti
Candidate for Revere School Committee