Letter to the Editor


Dear Senior friends:

Do you enjoy exercising? The senior center has three classes per week for Core & Balance/Fall Prevention, two classes per week for Yoga & Medication/Stretch Release, a Zumba Gold class, a Combination Exercise class, and of course, Tai Chi for mental stimulation and physical comfort?

Do you love or want to learn watercolor art, eager to participate in a book club, enjoy watching new movie releases as well as oldies but goodies, ready to learn basic computer skills, want to attempt knitting or canvas making, try your luck at bingo, yearning to make ceramic items or gifts? Would you even consider signing up for bocce or bowling?

Each month the senior center offers blood pressure checks and consultations, hearing testing and maintenance of hearing aids, podiatry services, and a chair massage by having healthcare and experienced specialists attend to senior’s needs. Each the center has a SHINE counselor available as well as a hairdresser. Almost every month the senior center travels with seniors to Foxwoods or Mohegan.

And, don’t forget the daily meals program! Each day a full-course meal costs $1.50. Just reserve by calling a day beforehand. To view the current menu read the Revere Senior Power newsletter distributed through the city, check out our web page at http://www.revere.org/departments/elder-affairs, or watch Revere TV that posts a scroll of our monthly menu.

Our fantastic low-cost shuttle van service (requires only one coupon equal to a $1.00) each way. All you do is register in person ahead of time. Despite being understaffed over the last month due to vacations and/or personal leaves, the senior center has maintained a pick-up service for senior center attendees, medical and dental appointments, and limited pick-ups if possible. The shuttle drivers are expected to be back up to speed by the end of August. Seniors – please be patient and stay tuned – we are very close to acquiring a new van to replace our older one.

The Rossetti-Cowan Senior Center hosts a special monthly luncheon that features a great lunch and spectacular entertainment. At the center, we realize the importance of providing seniors a relaxing and enjoyable time with music that they love and appreciate. There is no doubt that these lunches bring so much happiness to seniors. All you have to do is call ahead of time and pay in advance. These special monthly luncheons cost $4.00 ($1.50 for lunch plus $2.50 that goes towards entertainment). So, in closing, the Rossetti-Cowan Senior Center has so much to offer, so much to do, something for everyone! Seniors – come on down, take a tour, meet the staff and senior participants. Find out about this special place for our most treasured citizens, our Revere seniors.

Warm Regards,

Stephen W. Fielding

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