10 years ago
February 28, 2007
Beachmont native Bernadette Pauley, whose parents, Daniel and Marcella, still reside on Bradstreet Ave., has become a nationally-recognized comedienne who has appeared on Comedy Central and other TV comedy shows. Pauley attended Emerson College upon the advice of a high school teacher, Jim Palumbo, and moved to New York City after graduation.
Two new Revere police officers, Joseph Singer and Michael Trovato, both of whom are veterans of the Iraq War, were sworn-in this week.
Revere Mayor Thomas Ambrosino has become a well-regarded source of information and ideas for mayors and other heads of municipalities across the state because of Ambrosino’s recognized expertise in local affairs.
A group of 15 licensed clammers were allowed to go clamming in the Pines River clam flats for the first time since 1989. The flats have been closed because of high pollution levels. The clams are sold to a master digger, who then takes them to the state’s purification plant in Newburyport.
Police responded to calls for arson, an attempted kidnaping of a 16 year old youth, an armed robbery, and a rape this week.
Zodiac, 300, and Wild Hogs are playing at the Revere Showcase Cinemas.
20 years ago
February 28, 1997
The City Council and School Committee will hold a joint convention for the purpose of selecting a successor to fill the seat left vacant by the recent death of long-time School Committee member Louis Cheako Ciarlone.
“Visit our web site” now is an often-heard phrase, rivaling, “Show me the money,” from the movie Jerry Maguire, as companies big and small are focusing their business on the world wide web.
The City Council has asked Mayor Robert Haas Jr. to call upon the U.S. Justice Dept. to evaluate the management and operations of the Revere Police Dept.
Jerry Maguire, Jungle 2 Jungle, and Fools Rush In are playing at the Revere Showcase Cinemas.
30 years ago
March 4, 1987
City Councillor Richard Penn roundly criticized Building Inspector Stanley Ferragamo for what Penn termed as a poor job performance for Ferragamo’s alleged laxity in granting building permits for projects in Penn’s ward.
The Revere School Dept. has been awarded a grant of $7675 from the Governor’s Alliance Against Drugs.
Crocodile Dundee, Radio Days, and Golden Child are playing at the Revere Showcase Cinemas.
40 years ago
March 2, 1977
The City Council has asked Police Chief George P. Corbett to meet with the council to discuss what councilors termed the alleged harassment of local businessmen by member of the police department.
The Board of Health has been undertaking a vigorous campaign to eliminate lead paint conditions in the city.
Mel Brooks’s The Producers is playing at the Kincade Theatre in Winthrop.
50 years ago
March 2, 1967
Former City Manager Edward P. O’Toole, who was found guilty in August of 1965 of embezzling $44,482 from the city over a period of many years, has been sentenced to serve a sentence of 5-10 years in federal prison. O’Toole had been free pending the appeal of his conviction, but all appeals have been exhausted.
Lieut. Richard Donahue of 7 Bay View St. has been assigned to duty in Vietnam. Donahue is a 1965 graduate of West Point and a 1961 grad of B.C. High.
Clint Eastwood stars in A Fistful of Dollars at the Revere Drive In.
60 years ago
February 28, 1957
A crowd of more than 1500 persons is expected to be on hand for the testimonial banquet for newly-elected State Senator Harold Canavan this week to be held at Blinstrub’s Village in South Boston.
The trustees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority have filed their 10th annual report with the legislature and have revealed that the agency had a deficit of $8,324,287 for 1956, an increase of $1,609,653 over 1955’s deficit. They also predicted that the deficit will increase in 1957. The deficit is assessed among the 14 communities that make up the MTA district, which includes Revere.
Beachmen and bathers are praising a proposed bill that would ban sweep nets or seines in the waters between Point of Pines and Long Island in Boston Harbor.
Retired police officers were honored at their annual banquet Monday night that was at held at the local Knights of Columbus Hall.
Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, and Anita Ekberg star in Hollywood or Bust at the Revere Drive In. Henry Fonda stars in The Wrong Man at the Revere Theatre.
70 years ago
March 6, 1947
The worst nor’easter of the season lashed the Revere coastline Sunday night, piling up huge waves over seawalls and causing flooding in the city’s low-lying areas.
The legislature has approved a bill filed by State Rep. Peter J. Jordan that will allow Revere to borrow funds to make necessary repairs to the city’s schools.
Claudette Colbert, Walter Pidgeon, and June Allyson star in The Secret Heart at the Revere and Boulevard Theatres.