Supports Dan Rizzo for State Senate
Dear Editor:
This April 12 the people of our city have a chance to elect the first State Senator from Revere in 25 years.
What an opportunity!
No matter who voters support for Mayor last fall, now is the time to put our differences aside.
Dan Rizzo is the best qualified Revere candidate – with the best chance to win among the many running for this important office.
Supporters of Brian Arrigo, and others, who go out and vote for Dan Rizzo on April 12 will be helping our new Mayor, and our whole city, by sending a strong, experienced advocate for Revere to the State House.
The combination of Brian Arrigo and Dan Rizzo as State Senator will help our city get the best possible resources. This is what is at stake.
Now is the time. Let’s elect our first State Senator since the 1980’s.
A vote for Dan Rizzo is a vote to benefit Everyone in our city.
Louis Padova
Supports Dan Rizzo for State Senate
Dear Editor:
Dear Great People of Revere, Please consider Dan Rizzo for State Senate!
For many years the City of Revere has been well represented in the State House by some of Revere’s Finest! I will try to name them in chronological order. Judge Harold Cannevan, Senator Harry Della Russo, Peter Jordan, Senator Fran Doris, former school superintendent of Revere Schools, William Hill, former Mayor William Reinstein and more recently Kathy Reinstein, who maintained the Reinstein offices’ responsibility with honor and pride. Our newest representative who took over for Kathy is RoseLee Vincent and she is also continuing Revere’s legacy with honor and pride and is doing an outstanding job.
Former Mayor Dan Rizzo well known by the good people of the State House especially house speaker Robert DeLeo has the experience to fill the senate seat, as a former Councilor at Large and former Mayor Dan has the experience and the knowledge to be our State Senator for Massachusetts and Revere. I personally feel he would be the best man for the job.
Another request good friends of Revere if you know people in the surrounding communities that will vote for the same Senate seat please call them to support Revere and former Mayor Dan Rizzo.
Keep Revere Strong!
Vincent F. Cammarata
Proud and grateful to be a Revere Resident for over 80 years!
Supporting Boncore for State Senate
Dear Editor:
Last November voters decided there needed to be a change in direction for the City of Revere. Many people were tired of the politics of the past, and voted to reshape the city council and remove the incumbent mayor.
Revere opted for a young, energetic, professional who is dedicated to bringing accountability to city government. Mayor Brian Arrigo quickly delivered on his promise to get a handle on the city budget, and he began the arduous task of getting the city’s fiscal house in order.
However, problems began to surface very quickly. Each time the mayor opened a file cabinet, he came face to face with very harsh realities The discovery of alleged million dollar shortfalls, and alleged underfunded budget items have frayed the already strained relationship between Mayor Arrigo and the former mayor, Dan Rizzo. They have each articulated differing views of the financial condition of the city, and have expressed acrimony toward one another in the pages of the local newspapers.
Whatever story turns out to be correct, one thing is very clear. Mayor Arrigo needs a very strong ally in the state senate to help Revere obtain the funding and legislative assistance necessary to run the city. Revere needs a state senator who will be able to work closely with Mayor Arrigo to continue the course change the voters charted. We need a state senator who understands the problems faced by Revere residents, and someone who has the ability and intellect to work in tandem with Mayor Arrigo to help solve them.
Attorney Joseph Boncore is the best candidate for Revere in the upcoming state senate race. He shares the vision of Mayor Arrigo for making government accountable to the people, and as our state senator, Joe Boncore will be able to work hand and hand with Mayor Arrigo without the worry of protecting a failed legacy.
Joe Boncore has been an attorney, public defender and chairperson for the Winthrop housing authority. He knows first hand about the devastating effect of opioid addiction, domestic violence and poverty on our children and their families
Joe Boncore is cut from the same cloth as Mayor Arrigo. He is a young, energetic, professional who is dedicated to bringing accountability to government and he would be the perfect compliment to Mayor Arrigo as our state senator.
Please continue the progress started in the last election, and vote for Joe Boncore on April 12. He and Mayor Arrigo will be able to work closely together to build a better Revere for all of us.
Rob Selevitch