Month: July 2011


The now-famous Patriot Flag made a stop on Revere Beach Tuesday morning as part of its nationwide tour – which will conclude on the 10th Anniversary of the September 11 attacks. On that day, it will fly in Shanksville, PA, New York City Ground Zero and at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Until that time, the very large flag is touring the country due to the generosity of FedEex, UHaul and the American Legion. Volunteers from the Revere American Legion and the Revere Fire Department helped display the flag on the Beach Tuesday. On Monday, July 4, it flew over Attleboro and Logan Airport. By Wednesday, the flag was on its way to Bartlette, IL. The flag honors those who died in the 9/11 attacks.

Police Briefs 07-06-2011

Monday, June 27 Michael Lewis, 35, of Malden was arrested on one warrant. Tuesday, June 28 Nicole Deconinck, 22, homeless of Revere, was arrested on four warrants. Eric Kramer, 45, of Lynn, was charged with malicious destruction of property over…

Obituaries 07-06-2011

Lloyd Marcom Truck Driver, Past Exalted Ruler Revere BPOE Elks Lloyd G. Marcom of Revere died peacefully at home on July 2 following a long and valiant battle with metastatic lung cancer surrounded by the love and affection of his…

Summer Jobs are Few and Far Between

At one time, summer was for putting young people’s hands to work – whether working for the City or state government or working in the numerous private sector summer job openings. This year, more than ever before, summer has become…