–By Joshua Resnek
Ending months of speculation in local political circles, School Committeewoman Carol Tye has finally made it official – she will not be running for mayor.
“After much reflection, I have decided to seek re-election to the School Committee,†she told the Journal during to a visit to the office last week.
Shortly thereafter, Tye made her announcement not to run to her supporters throughout the city with a global email, detailing her deepest feelings on the matter.
Tye said she felt comfortable being where she is at in her life and was not interested in changing all that with a run for mayor.
She said her heart and soul were all bound up in public school education and the public school children of this city.
“I have served as a member of the School Committee for ten years, in the superintendent’s office for six, and as a teacher of English at Revere High for 35 years. I loved each aspect (maybe not every minute, but surely every year), and I remain a teacher at heart: the kids come first,†she said.
She said she loved being involved in a world always young, always re-creating itself, always challenging old ways and creating new traditions.
“We have greatly benefited from Tom Ambrosino’s unprecedented devotion to duty for twelve years. I kept hoping that we would get another term from this extraordinarily talented and decent man. But now he wants to try something new. And I know that we all wish him joy and success in whatever he chooses, and lucky are they who will share this new adventure with him,†she added.
She further asked that her supporters continue to give her advice and support on the School Committee.
She said she will not endorse either Dan Rizzo or George Rotondo, the two mayoral candidates.
“I promise to be as helpful as I can to whoever succeeds Tom.â€