We have long been advocates of installing parking meters at Revere Beach, so we find ourselves agreeing with Councillor-at-Large Dan Rizzo’s motion to do so.
However, our strong support for such a measure was more meaningful before the sidewalks running the length of the beach were redone by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).
The expansion of the sidewalk system into a broader boardwalk type of surface has drastically reduced the area where vehicles can park on the beach; i.e., the smaller number of meters that could be installed wouldn’t justify the start-up cost and administrative charges.
Metering the beach would cost a few hundred thousands of dollars, then it would cost the city manpower it cannot afford to empty the meters, to count the money to administer the entire program within the context of current authority.
That being said, metering the beach doesn’t look attractive with so many fewer spaces.
Fewer spaces translate into lesser collections, which translates into lower income to cover high administrative costs.
What we once supported doesn’t seem the right thing to do, after being informed about the nuances of such an effort.
The beach can be metered but it won’t add much financially to the city’s well-being, nor to the beach’s.