Over the past few years, warm weather has meant more than outside activities in Revere.
It has meant many more loud, late night parties. Police records over the past few years indicate that there are more complaints of loud house parties than in previous years. By our count, this year has been record setting.
Last week, the police were called out for 12 loud house parties after 10 p.m. in the city, most of them between Thursday and Sunday. The week before, Memorial Day weekend, there were 22 loud house party complaints.
The city ordinance requires that parties end by 9 p.m.
The following is a list of houses police were called to last week for loud parties after 10 p.m.
*11 Overlook Ridge Dr.
*58 Library St.
*71 Festa Rd
*46 Temple St. #1
*91 Rumney Rd. #1
*209 Revere St.
*115 Florence Ave.
*189 Revere St.
*Rice/Lancaster Aves.
*35 Reservoir Ave
*216 Lantern Rd. #11
*42 Folsom St.
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