for a Menorah Candle Lighting Ceremony in celebration of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah,
The Festival of Lights. Pictured at the ceremony held Monday on the City Hall Lawn
are, from left, former School Committeeman Hal Ford Abrams, Rabbi Sruli Baron of Tobin
Bridge Chabad, Rabbi Lior Nevo of the Jack Satter House, Ward 2 Councillor and Past JWV
National Commander Ira Novoselsky, Mayor Patrick Keefe, Rep. Jessica Giannino, Ward 5
Councillor Angela Guarino-Sawaya, Rabbi Benjamin Flax of Temple Tifereth Israel, Winthrop,
Councillor-at-Large Marc Silvestri, Ward 4 Councillor Paul Argenzio, School Committeeman
John Kingston, School Committeeman Anthony Caggiano, and Councillor-at-Large
Anthony Zambuto.