Guest Op-Ed: President Biden Puts Country Over Self

By Juan Pablo Jaramillo

The Biden-Harris administration has been the most pro-worker administration in the history of our country. President Biden has served our country diligently and has fought hard for working families. His decision to drop out of his reelection bid is shocking, but his legacy as a pro-working class president will be hard to match. The president’s self awareness around the critical moment we are in for our Democracy will place him as one of the most principled presidents as it relates to domestic policy and a standard bearer for the American Republic the likes we have not seen since Abraham Lincoln.

Simultaneously, the President’s domestic policy legacy in addition to helping save American Democracy has significantly improved the material well-being of working families. While he is stepping away from electoral politics, the Biden-Harris administration brought us back from being overwhelmed by a global pandemic that cost millions of lives at home and abroad, the brink of an economic depression and into the strongest job growth our country has experienced in decades and increase in union membership which in turn has improved the economic well-being of millions. Further this administration has paved a clear path toward fighting for coastal communities like ours by earnestly addressing the climate crisis. Thanks to their work communities like ours are better prepared for increased flooding, droughts, and property damage due to extreme weather events that are happening more and more frequently.

The job of saving Democracy, however, is ongoing and we can always deliver more for working families by lowering housing and child care costs, making more investments in our public infrastructure, including public safety and disaster relief, and securing a future with clean air and clean drinking water. Vice President Kamala Harris is the right person to carry on the mantle for all the things that matter to working class people in Revere. We know of the saying “the boss makes a dollar I make a dime,” and in a time where the boss makes 30-times the dime the workers like us make, VP Harris, as part of the Biden-Harris administration and as a former prosecutor has the experienced and results needed so that American working families can keep more money in their pocket, predatory university scammers are held accountable and most importantly our Democracy is preserved. That is why as the only Democrat from Revere in the Massachusetts 5th Congressional District that is a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, I will be voting for Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Nominee and next President of these United States. The choice is clear, the time is now.

Juan Pablo Jaramillo  is a Revere City Councillor At-Large, and delegate to the Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts’ 5th Congressional  District.

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