Letter to the Editor

Tragic Grief

Dear Editor,

I have been reading a book by David Kessler entitled “Finding Meaning, the Sixth Stage of Grief. Among the points made, Grief must be witnessed, acknowledged and that the period of grief and intensity is as different as every individual. The final stage is finding some sort of meaning or purpose for the loss. When this happens, the person grieving can go on with a new hope. I recommend this book to anyone since we all experience grief.

In thinking about the recent tragic event involving that young man and the five police officers,  I cannot imagine how that poor mother will ever find meaning in the loss of her son! This incident was not racially motivated. All parties involved were of the same color. All humans are prone to make mistakes, but something terribly wrong happened.

After all the shock and outrage quells, my prayer is that the investigation that will ensue will be conducted objectively and impartially so that:  1.) it will acknowledge the suffering it caused to all parties.  2.) the ones responsible will be judged.  3) it will determine what needs to be implimented regarding training and procedures that will prevent such an incident from happening again and encounters do not provoke the fight and flight response that always ends poorly.

Improving mutual respect, and compassion between the Police (who are human) and the community they serve would give some meaning to this dear Mom who lost her son.

Lucia Hunter

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