There are three veterans’ organizations in Revere and each one is struggling with membership numbers with older veterans dying off and younger veterans not joining their local post.
For the past few years all the posts have been paying $1,300 a year in license fees to the city. Ward 2 Councillor and veteran Ira Novoselsky made a motion during a recent City Council meeting for the fee to be cut in half. The council agreed with the motion and the mayor agreed it was a good idea. Last Wednesday afternoon the Licensing Commission agreed but Chairman Robert Selevitch took it one step further and slashed the license fee to $500 for a year.
“It’s something we as a city should be doing to help out veterans and their organizations,†Novoselsky said. “It shows support and gives some community engagement.â€
Don Swicker of the Mottolo Post acknowledged it would help.
“We are struggling,†said James Sintra of American Legion Post 61.
“We should do as much as we can for out veterans,†said Commissioner John LaCroix.