Dear Editor:
In 1998 the Revere Police Department began a Christmas Toy drive to help families that are struggling to make ends meet let alone buy extra gifts for Christmas. It is so hard for many families to survive in these challenging economic times, just trying to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Given this struggle it is even harder this time of the year when their children are writing a list for Santa.
In the beginning the toys came from with-in the police department and a few donations form the citizens of Revere. Now our donations have come from within the department, businesses and many citizens from our great city. With the help of all of them we have been able to help this year – upwards of 500 children with toys, clothes and hats and gloves and food. It is with heartfelt thanks that we want to thank all of those that have helped us to bring smiles to the faces of those children on Christmas morning.
First I would like to thank the Eagle Heights Church, Bishop James Collins, Pastor Cecilio Lopez and the wonderful staff at the church for their generous gift to our toy drive last year. That gift enable us to kick start our drive early this year.
Then there is our Secret Santa known only as Joe and Sandra who donated 12 holiday meals with gift cards attached to each meal for Thanksgiving and Christmas, he has done this for several years.
Also a special thank you to Officer Joseph Internicola from Revere Police and Officer Raoul Goncalves from the Everett Police Dept; who run the Mass Badge event every year for adopting a very needy family this year.
Also a heartfelt thank you to all the following without whose help it would not have been possible:
Erica from the Dance Revolution, who has a special event with their members to gather toys and donate them to us every year.
Sean from the Northgate Apartments.
The wonderful tenants and staff from the Jack Satter House and a special thank you to Frank for a $500 donation
The Revere High School Hockey Team organized by Andrea
Delta Management Chelsea and Gina
Marilyn from BK Lounge in Revere
Revere City Hall for your collection of toys
Greater Boston Fitness Frank Nuzzo and the Zumba girls
And a special thank you to the citizens of Revere for all the donated toys.
Last but not least, the wonderful police officers at our station who not only helped with donations but the delivering and picking up toys and bringing needy families to our attention.
Thank you all and have a wonderful New Year.
Revere Police Dept.