Any one who has traveled down Broadway in recent days knows that the campaigns for elected office have begun and the excitement is building toward the general election to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 3.
Candidates in the mayoral, city council, and school committee races have been knocking on doors and meeting the thousands of voters who will determine the outcomes of the elections.
The Revere Journal is proud to be a part of the 2015 election process. Journal president Stephen Quigley has announced that this newspaper will sponsor two separate debates for the offices of school committee (Oct. 8) and councillor-at-large (Oct. 22).
The Journal has also agreed to participate as a panelist in the not yet finalized Revere Chamber of Commerce’s mayoral debate between Mayor Dan Rizzo and Councillor-at-Large Brian Arrigo. We look forward to that important public forum that will be broadcast live on Revere TV.
Revere has always been a politically active city where residents enjoy city, Suffolk County, district, state, and Presidential elections. We hope that residents will take an active role in the political process, view the debates, and vote on Election Day.