Comments continue to come in regarding a party that was broken up at 51 Beach St. on Saturday, March 24th.
Party-goers accuse police of civil rights violations, while others (presumably neighbors and police) accuse party-goers of holding up babies to shield themselves from pepper spray.
What a scene it must have been. Police reported that neighbors more than a block away could hear the music inside their houses very clearly. Police also found club-style DJ equipment operating inside the apartment.
If you live on Beach Street, sound off on this one. Everyone else seems to be.
On a broader issue, there have been a number of loud, out-of-control parties such as this in the city over the last few years. Everyone needs to remember that having a backyard doesn’t mean you have a weekend dance club. In Boston, the police have long instituted a ‘Loud Party Complaint Line’ in neighborhoods where there are lots of students or frequent after-hours parties. In Revere, the summer is coming, and maybe it’s time to visit such an idea in Revere. After all, where there is one late-night party, there will soon be another.